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  Debt Management Service Tuesday, February 11th, 2025  


When it comes to the average person’s credit report, many people don't even know that they may need the help of a debt management service. Some people don't even know that they have bad credit in the first place until they are turned down for a loan. When you are looking to do some things that require credit checks or debt help, you will need to pull a credit report about yourself to do it. Basically, if you are looking to get a loan, rent a home, buy a home or purchase a major appliance, the creditor will pull the credit report to decide if you are worth the risk.

Of course, if you want to know what your credit is like before you try to get the loan or credit approval, you can get a report from any or all of the three main companies that offer them. It usually costs around ten dollars, and some will give you at least one free report per year. There is another way to get a free credit report and that is by using one of the free trial offers at sites like Free Credit Report USA or Free Credit Report UK.

When it comes to a debt management service, there are a few things you will need to know before you try to act. Consolidating your debts with a bank loan is a good idea because it will help you get out of debt and will result in a better credit report. However, you are likely to have to pay a high interest rate because of your bad credit status. If you are always on time with your payments, though, and you regularly pay more than you have to, you can sometimes get your interest lowered so that the balance can be paid quicker.

Before you look into a debt management service you will want to make sure that you pull your credit report to make sure that it is accurate and start from a good position. Everything on there, no matter if it is good or bad, will affect your ability to get a loan and will also determine your interest rates. Mistakes are common on credit reports. Do some investigation on your own first; because some of the items may be listed with names you are not going to recognize and in the day of major identity theft, this is necessary.

If you would like help with this then contact one of our Christian counselors using the form on the right for some FREE help &advice. They will help you to get debt free and lower your monthly payments.


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