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  Caring MinistriesMonday, February 17th, 2025  
Ministry In Motion

How does your church minister to people who are sick or coping with tough life circumstances? Caring ministries come in all shapes and forms:

Small Groups.

One in Heart is a small group that provides fellowship opportunities for its members while they plan activities around the needs of others. Their activities focus on the need of the moment. It may involve visiting someone in the hospital, cooking meals for someone who is sick or physically incapacitated, writing notes and cards of encouragement or even collecting food the needy upon occasion.

Lay Counseling. This is one of the best ways to meet needs of hurting people as needs arise. One highly successful lay counseling ministry is Stephen Ministries. Lay counselors go through lengthy training and then are matched up with individuals needing counseling. They provide one-on-one Christian care to the bereaved, hospitalized, terminally ill, separated, divorced, unemployed, relocated, and others facing a crisis or life challenge.

Benevolence Ministries Benevolence teams relieve pastors of the burden of making a judgment call and gathering funds when someone needs money, clothing or food. In order to work effectively these teams need strict guidelines and policies so those using the service don’t abuse the kindness provided. Team members must also to respond to requests for help in a timely fashion. (You can order benevolence team guidelines/directions from the resource page of our web site at

Other benevolent type ministries include once-a-year benevolence type activities such as Angel Trees or Giving Trees. Names of needy families are placed on a Christmas Tree in the foyer with a specific item they need or want for Christmas. Church members choose one or several gifts to purchase and then place them under the tree. Before delivering the groceries and gifts, volunteers place Bibles, Bible storybooks or devotionals inside the bags.

MINISTRY IN MOTION. Identifying spiritual gifts for ministry. Utilizing volunteers for maximum ministry impact. Recruiting, equipping, empowerment.

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