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  A Christian Financial Reading List Saturday, July 27th, 2024  

First, the necessary disclaimer. This article is a reference for the types of Christian financial writings available. It does not endorse or recommend any financial guidance or author as better than another. The list is by author and in alphabetical order with no intended significance.

Now on to the facts, these are some of the best Christian financial advisors and books on the market. All provide excellent guidance, but which one is for you only you can decide. Hopefully you will find several of them in your bookstore and can do a little comparing.

Money, Possessions and Eternity
by Randy Alcorn

Get What Belongs To You: A Christian Guide To Managing Your Finances
by Ozeme J. Bonnette

Your Finances in Changing Times (The Christian Financial Concepts Series)
by Larry Burkett

Your Money Counts: The Biblical Guide to Earning, Spending, Saving, Investing, Giving, and Getting Out of Debt
by Howard Dayton

Christian School Finance
by James W. Deuink

The Holy Use of Money: Personal Finances in Light of Christian Faith
by John C. Haughey

Making Money Work: A Christian Guide for Personal Finance
by Bill G. Page

Building Wealth Using the Tin Can Method (Finances, Christian Living)
by Margarette Perkins

Prophetic Finance: The Christian's 12 Step Guide to Creating Wealth With the Spoken Word
by Linda S. Sanders

Christian Family Finance
by William Joseph Whalen

Getting a Grip on Your Money: A Plain & Simple Christian Guide to Managing Personal Finances, Eliminating Debt, Spending, Saving & Giving, Investing for the Future
by William C. Wood

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