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  Homeschooling Resources: Electronic SourcesSaturday, July 27th, 2024  
by Patricia M. Lines

Electronic sources of homeschooling information:

Parents AskERIC: An Internet-based service helping parents and parent support programs. E-mail your questions on children's growth, development, and education to

Listservs (Internet-based discussion groups that enable participants to interact electronically):

     CommNet Members discuss general homeschooling issues; run by the publishers of Home Education Magazine. Send e-mail to and ask to be placed on the CommNet mailing list. Members discuss legal issues and U.S. law regarding homeschooling. Send e-mail to home-ed-pol Include "home-ed-politics (first name) (last name)" in your message. Members ask and answer practical homeschooling questions and share ideas. Send e-mail to home-ed-request@world Include "subscribe home-ed" in your message. Members discuss research related to homeschooling. Send e-mail to hmedrsch-request

     Taffie Members discuss general homeschooling issues. Send e-mail to Include "subscribe taffie (name)" in your message.

World Wide Web sites:

     Jon's Homeschooling Page. Contains bibliographies and information about paper-copy sources and allows access to several relevant resources on the Web. URL: http://www.midnightbeach. com/hs/.

     National Parent Information Network (NPIN) Specializes in full-text articles on child development, care, and education. URL: http://ericps.ed.u

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