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  Homework: Monitor AssignmentsFriday, February 7th, 2025  
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Educational Research and Improvement

Children are more likely to complete assignments successfully when parents monitor homework. How closely you need to monitor depends upon the age of your child, how independent she is, and how well she does in school. Whatever the age of your child, if assignments are not getting done satisfactorily, more supervision is needed.

Ask About the School's Homework Policy.

At the start of the school year, ask the teacher:
  • What kinds of assignments will be given?
  • How long are children expected to take to complete them?
  • How does the teacher want you to be involved?
Teacher's expectations vary. Ask your child's teacher what you should do. Should you just check to make sure the asignment is done, or should you do something more? Some teachers want parents to go over the homework and point out errors, while others ask parents to simply check to make sure the assignment is completed. It's also a good idea to ask the teacher to call you if any problems with homework come up.

Be Available.

Elementary school students often like to have someone in the same room when working on assignments in case they have questions. If your child will be cared for by someone else, talk to that person about what you expect regarding homework. For an older child, if no one will be around, let him know you want him to begin work before you get home and call to remind him if necessary.

Look Over Completed Asignments.

It's usually a good idea to check to see that your elementary school child has finished her assignments. If your junior high school student is having trouble finishing assignments, check his too. If you're not there when an assignment is finished, look it over when you get home. After the teacher returns completed homework, read the comments to see if your child has done the assignment satisfactorily.

Monitor Television Viewing.

American children on average spend far more time watching television than they do completing homework. In many homes, more homework gets done when television time is limited. Once you and your child have worked out a homework schedule, take time to discuss how much television and what programs she can watch. It's worth noting that television can be a learning tool. Look for programs that relate to what your child is studying in school, such as programs on history or science or dramatizations of children's literature. When you can, watch shows with your child, discuss them, and encourage follow-up activities such as reading or a trip to the museum.

Table Of Contents

Homework: A Concern For The Whole Family
The Basics
Show You Think Education and Homework Are Important
Monitor Assignments
Provide Guidance
Resolve Problems
Homework Resources
The National Education Goals
Homework Checklist

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