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  Home Safety ChecklistSaturday, July 27th, 2024  

Safety Equipment
Smoke Alarms

___ Is there one located on each floor of the home?

___ If battery operated, do you check the battery periodically and replace it yearly?

___ If electrical, do you check periodically for proper operation?

Fire Extinguishers

___ Easily accessible?

___ Fully charged

___ Is it within the expiration date?


___ Installed on all exterior doors?
Hoses and Connections

Are the following periodically checked to see if they are secure and leak-free?

___ Hot water tank

___ Dishwasher

___ Washing machine

___ Icemaker
___ Are extension cords overloaded?

___ Are extension cords removed from under rugs or furniture?

___ If older home, is the wiring up to code?

___ Do you have surge protector bars on air conditioners, entertainment equipment and computers?
Heating System
___ Is your furnace cleaned and checked annually?

___ Are the filters changed regularly?
___ Are they cleaned and checked annually?

___ Is the damper functioning properly?

___ Are screen/doors in fireplace properly installed?
Frozen Pipe Prevention
___ Is home heated while on winter vacations?

___ Do you disconnect the garden hose and shut off outside water faucets when the temperature drops to freezing?
___ Is the roof in good condition?

___ Are gutters cleaned every autumn to help prevent roof leaks?
___ Are all your steps/sidewalks level and intact?

___ Are there secured railings for your steps?

___ Is flammable material properly stored? (Example: Be sure clothes are not stored near hot water heater.)

___ Are surrounding trees healthy?

___ Is your house clear from any hanging tree limbs?

___ Is your in-ground pool fenced in?

___ Are there locking gates on decks connected to swimming pools?

___ Are matches stored out of the reach of children?

___ Are all the cabinets in your home child proof (cleansers and sharp objects are out of reach)?

___ Do you check the safety and condition of your outdoor deck on a yearly basis? (Look for rot; check for stability; treat annually with water sealer.)

___ Do you repair loose or missing grout or caulking in tub/shower area to prevent deterioration of tiles?

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