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  Budget CalculatorSaturday, July 27th, 2024  

Calculate your monthly budget using our Budget Calculator to see how you're doing financially and find areas where you can save by cutting back.
Employment IncomeOther Income
Monthly Wages (after deductions) Pension, Social Security
  Or Weekly Wages Investment Income
Or Bi-weekly Paycheck Public Assistance
Or Bi-monthly Paycheck Alimony/Child Support
Or Irregular Income Annually Other Income

Housing ExpensesGeneral Household Expenses
Rent/Mortgage Food
Property Tax/Homeowner Insurance Child Care/Education
Home Maintenance Health Care
Electricity/Gas Alimony/Child Support
Water/Garbage Life Insurance
Other Other
Transportation ExpensesCredit-Related Expenses
Car Loan(s) Credit Card Payment #1
Auto Insurance Credit Card Payment #2
Gas Credit Card Payment #3
Car Repairs Installment/Student Loans
Other Other Loan Payments
Entertainment and CommunicationSavings
Telephone General Savings
Cable Emergency Savings
Computer/Internet Other


Calculation Results
Income Totals
Net Income From Wages Net Supplemental Income

Expense Totals
Total Housing Expense Total General Household Expense
Total Transportation Expense Total Credit-Related Expense
Total Entertainment Expense Total Savings
Total Net Monthly Income Total Monthly Expenses
Your Remaining Funds: $

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